by J. A. Tiscareno

October 22, 2023

Backpacking is a thrilling outdoor activity that allows you to connect with nature, explore remote wilderness areas, and challenge your physical and mental limits. Whether you’re an experienced backpacker or just starting, one crucial aspect of your adventure is ensuring a safe and reliable source of clean water. Water is essential for hydration and survival. Natural water sources, such as rivers, streams, and lakes, can be contaminated with bacteria, parasites, viruses, and other impurities. Consuming untreated water in the wild can lead to serious health issues like gastrointestinal infections, diarrhea, or worse. Therefore, ensuring a safe and reliable source of drinking water is paramount.

Reasons why proper water purification is essential for backpackers:

  1. Health and Safety: Contaminated water can contain harmful microorganisms like Giardia, E. coli, and Cryptosporidium, which can lead to severe illnesses. Clean water is essential for staying healthy and safe while out on the trail.
  2. Convenience: Carrying large quantities of water from home can be heavy and impractical, especially for longer backpacking trips. Having access to water sources on the trail and purifying them as needed is more convenient and efficient.
  3. Environmental Impact: By purifying water from natural sources, you reduce the need for disposable plastic water bottles and minimize your environmental footprint. Backpacking responsibly means leaving a minimal trace on the environment.
  4. Cost-Efficiency: Reusable water purification methods can save you money in the long run, as you won’t have to continuously buy bottled water or pre-treated water.
  5. Versatility: With the right water purification system, you can confidently explore remote and less-traveled areas where clean water sources may not be readily available.

Choosing the Right Water Purification Method

  1. Boiling Water: Boiling is one of the oldest and most effective methods for purifying water. It kills bacteria, parasites, and viruses by raising the water’s temperature to a boiling point (212°F or 100°C) and maintaining it for at least one minute. In high-altitude areas, you may need to boil the water for longer due to lower boiling points at higher altitudes.


– Effectively eliminates all harmful pathogens.
– Requires only basic equipment (a stove and pot).
– No chemical taste or odors in the purified water.


– Time-consuming.
– Requires a reliable heat source and fuel.
– Heavier and bulkier compared to some other methods.
– Not ideal for large quantities of water.

  1. Water Filters: Water filters are mechanical devices that physically remove bacteria, protozoa, and larger particles from water. They work by forcing water through a porous material or a filter media, such as ceramic, glass fiber, or a hollow-fiber membrane. The filtered water is then safe to drink. The Sagan Life® XStream Straw Water Purifier product uses the popular and effective Journey™ Filter to purify water from any non-salt water source.


– Efficient and quick purification.
– Lightweight and portable.
– Suitable for larger quantities of water.
– Many options available, from pump filters to gravity filters™ (such as the DuraFlo Filter).


– May not remove viruses (unless specifically called out. In the interests of full disclosure, the Journey™ Filter DOES remove 99.99 percent of virus, plus other contaminants).
– Filter cartridges require occasional replacement.
– Prone to clogging in turbid water sources.
– Initial investment and maintenance costs.

  1. Water Purification Tablets and Drops: Water purification tablets and drops contain chemical agents, such as chlorine dioxide or iodine, which kill or neutralize harmful microorganisms in water. You add the tablets or drops to the water, wait a specified amount of time, and the water becomes safe to drink.


– Lightweight and extremely portable.
– Effective against a wide range of pathogens.
– No special equipment required.
– Long shelf life.


– Chemical taste or odor in treated water.
– Some people may be sensitive to chemical treatments.
– Ineffective against certain impurities like heavy metals.
– Requires waiting time for purification.

  1. UV Water Purifiers: UV (ultraviolet) water purifiers use UV light to disrupt the DNA of microorganisms in water, rendering them harmless. These devices are often compact and battery powered.


– Fast and effective water purification.
– No chemical taste or odor.
– Lightweight and portable.
– Can be used with clear water sources.


– Requires a power source (usually batteries).
– Ineffective in murky or turbid water.
– May not remove particulate matter or chemicals.
– Initial investment and battery replacement costs.

  1. Chemical Filtration: Chemical filtration combines a filter with a chemical element, such as activated carbon. These filters physically remove large particles, while the chemical component absorbs contaminants like chlorine, pesticides, and heavy metals.


– Effective against a wide range of impurities.
– Reduces chemical taste and odors in water.
– Lightweight and portable.
– Suitable for various water sources.


– Limited in removing microorganisms (unless specified).
– Filter cartridges may require replacement.
– Slower filtration compared to standard water filters.
– Some models can be relatively expensive.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Water Purification Method

Now that you’re familiar with the various water purification methods available, it’s essential to consider several factors when deciding which one is best for your backpacking adventure. Here are the key factors to keep in mind:

  1. Water Source and Quality:

– Consider the types of water sources you’ll encounter on your trip (rivers, lakes, streams, etc.).
– Assess the water quality and potential contaminants in the area you plan to explore.

  1. Trip Duration:

– Shorter trips may require less water purification than longer ones.
– Consider the number of days you’ll be in the wilderness and the quantity of water you’ll need to purify daily.

  1. Weight and Portability:

– Evaluate the weight and bulkiness of the purification method.
– Decide if you need a lightweight and compact solution for ultralight backpacking or if you can carry a slightly heavier system for added features. Be aware that the Sagan Life® XStream Straw Deluxe and Basic models, plus the new RapidFlo Survival Straw Filter are all extremely lightweight and easy to pack into a backpack, bike pack or rucksack without issues.

  1. Ease of Use:

– Determine your comfort level with each purification method.
– Consider how straightforward the method is to use in various weather conditions and terrains.

  1. Effectiveness:

– Review the method’s ability to eliminate the specific pathogens and impurities you may encounter in your chosen destination.
– Ensure the method is suitable for your needs and the water quality you expect.

  1. Speed of Purification:

– Think about how quickly you need access to clean water.
– Some methods may require longer processing times than others.

  1. Taste and Odor:

– Consider your preference for the taste and odor of purified water.
– Some methods, like chemical treatments, may impart a noticeable taste or smell to the water.

  1. Maintenance and Durability:

– Research the maintenance requirements of the chosen purification method.
– Assess the durability and longevity of the equipment, including the need for filter replacements or battery changes.

  1. Cost:

– Set a budget for your water purification system.
– Account for any ongoing costs, such as replacement filters or chemical treatments.

  1. Versatility:

– Determine whether the method is suitable for various water sources and conditions.
– Think about the adaptability of the system to different trip scenarios.

Maintenance and Safety Tips

Regardless of the water purification method you choose, it’s crucial to follow proper maintenance and safety guidelines to ensure the effectiveness of your system and safeguard your health:

  1. Read the Instructions: Familiarize yourself with the manufacturer’s instructions for your chosen water purification method. Understanding how to use the equipment correctly is essential for your safety.
  2. Regular Maintenance: If your purification method involves replaceable filters or cartridges, be diligent about replacing them according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Neglecting maintenance can compromise the system’s effectiveness.
  3. Clean Water Sources: Whenever possible, choose clear and running water sources for purification. Murky or stagnant water can clog filters and reduce the effectiveness of the method.
  4. Carry Backup Purification: For longer trips or in areas with unreliable water sources, it’s a good idea to carry a backup purification method. This ensures you always have a reliable way to treat water.
  5. Practice Proper Hygiene: Wash your hands before handling water purification equipment and after handling potentially contaminated water sources to prevent cross-contamination.
  6. Store Equipment Properly: After your trip, clean and store your water purification equipment as per the manufacturer’s instructions. Storing it properly helps maintain its effectiveness and longevity.


Choosing the best water purification method for backpacking is a critical decision that can greatly impact the safety and enjoyment of your outdoor adventure. By considering factors such as water source, trip duration, weight, and personal preferences, you can select the method that suits your needs best.

As you embark on your backpacking adventure, stay hydrated, respect the environment, and enjoy the beauty of the great outdoors with the confidence that you can rely on your chosen water purification system to provide you with safe and refreshing water throughout your journey. Happy trails!